Inscript Hindi Typing Tutor
World's First and only On-line In-script Hindi Typing Tutor. Now learn inscript typing on-line and free and from your own English keyboard, you don't need any special software or Inscript keyboard.
Tip: For learn Inscript Hindi typing in mobile phone connect your mobile to keyboard with a OTG cable.
Start from Exercise 1 and go threw likewise, practice 1 exercise daily and you will be able to type in Inscript with in 1 days without seeing the keyboard. These exercise are designed scientifically will teach you fast and accurate Hindi typing.
Remember one thing there is no short cut of success, if you want to achieve good typing speed and practice is only solution.
Inscript Hindi Typing Practice Guide
For Type Half Character use 'halant sign' (d) as appear in keyboard showing above. For Example if you want to type कल्प , first you have to type क, then type ल, the type 'halant' (d) and then प, For make any half character firstly type the character in full then press 'Halant sign', so it will convert it in half character in Inscript keyboard.
Inscript Keyboard Character Combination Code
Inscript Hindi Typing Tutor with the character highlighted in green color on keyboard see on upper tab it will show you the character you have to type. The character also highlighted in pink color just see on the screen and type don't look at keyboard. if you press right key then it will highlighted the next character to type and the key will highlighted in keyboard.
If you press wrong key then it will show you a OOPs message on upper tab and the key you typed will shows in red color on keyboard. Remember one thing practice is only key to learn typing there is no shortcut.
Practice all exercise and remember the key form which the character typed. Once you remember the key and corresponding character you can type fast without seeing the keyboard.
- WPM Stands for Word Per Minute
- CPM Stands for Character Per Minute
- Accuracy is percentage of GWPM and NWPM
- GWPM Stands for Gross Word Per Minute
- NWPM Stands for Net Word Per Minute
For more information and typing tips to learn fast click Typing Tutorial
Placement of fingers on Keyboard :
The placement for fingers are same for Hindi and English typing. Always use same finger to type particular character and after press that key return your finger on initial position.

How to learn Inscript Typing
Learning Hindi Inscript typing is very simple with above online typing Tutor. Just practice 2 hour daily for 12 days step by step as given above and you become a Inscript typist. It's very simple in comparison of English, because Hindi is our mother Tongue.
The online Inscript typing tutor above will teach you typing in scientific method so you will learn in very less time with high accuracy. With this Inscript Typing tutor you will master in Hindi typing without seeing the keyboard.
1. Place your fingers as showing in above image.
2. Each finger is assigned several keys. Always press that particular key from same finger.
3. From first ever lesson don't' look at keyboard, let your mind to find out right key for punch.
4. Practice only one lesson daily.
5. Keep patience while learning, your concentration must be on accuracy instead of speed. Speed will be improve with time.
Hindi Inscript Typing Rules
1. Half Characters : For type any half character in Inscript Keyboard you have to use "halant" character. Firstly make full character and then press halant (d) to make it half. For example: to type 'क्या', first type 'क' then '्' and 'या'.
2. Matras : In the Inscript Hindi keyboard, we have to type all the matras after the character with which they are to be associated is typed. This rule is applicable even with Chhoti Ee matra (ि). To write कि, you write first 'क', and then 'ि'.
3. Upper Ref : We can make upper ref ('r' on top, as in the word 'कर्म' ) can be written in two ways. First one is by typing 'र' followed by halant ' ्' or second way is pressing the English key that has the $ sign.
4. Phonetic rule of Inscript : To understand Inscript better, we should remember a Phonetic rule: All the letters are typed in just the way they are spoken. Like, when we pronounce 'कर्ता' we speak first 'क', then 'र ्' and then 'त' and finally 'ा' (matra). We have to type the letters in the same order. If they are to be displayed in a different order, the Inscript system will auto-adjust letters, and we don't need to worry about that.
Hindi Inscript Keyboard
Hindi is typed in Devanagari script. Inscript key board for typing in Indian languages is the Official keyboard of India. Devanagari keyboard option is available with windows operating system. You can enable Devanagari Inscript keyboard for typing Hindi in your system. You can check procedure of activate Hindi Devanagari Inscript keyboard from here.
Inscript keyboard are designed to work with Unicode based font. Learning Inscript Hindi keyboard is worthful for crack many Hindi typing test exams. Inscript keyboard has an extra ordinary advantage that it is available for other indian languages also and the keyboard mapping is same. Means placement of letters is same for Hindi and all other supported languages.
For example - the position of Key "अ" for Hindi inscript would same for "अ" equivalent in other languages. So if you know multiple Indian languages you can type with same layout without any effort.