
Chanakya To Unicode (Mangal) Font Convert 

It's easy, quick and free to Convert Chanakya Hindi Font to Unicode Hindi Font. Chanakya font is very popular Hindi font and used in News paper printing and magazines publication widely.

Chanakya to Unicode Converter
    Type or Paste in Chankaya font To get Unicode (Mangal) font
    Copy the converted Unicode (Mangal) font

When you have to sent any article or poem to publish in newspaper you have to send in Chanakya font format. This conversion tool can convert Chanakya font to Unicode. Chanakya is a non-Unicode font and this tool will convert it to Unicode (Mangal) font.

You can use converted Unicode font text anywhere on Internet such a Gmail, twitter, Facebook, forums, comments any where you want to type in Hindi, use Unicode it will show in Hindi everywhere.

So get ready type or paste your Chanakya font in given box and click the convert button to get Unicode font. Copy the Unicode font from box 2 and paste anywhere you want.  

चाणक्य टू यूनिकोड फॉन्ट परावर्तक

चाणक्य फॉन्ट एक नॉन-यूनिकोड कोड फॉन्ट है इसको बहुत ही सरलता से यूनिकोड फॉन्ट मे परिवर्तन किया जा सकता है, चाणक्य फॉन्ट का उपयोग डीटीपी तथा समाचार पत्रों एवं मैगज़ीन के प्रकाशन में बहुतायत में किया जाता है 

See Also

1. Convert 28 Fonts to Unicode

2. Convert Unicode To Krutidev Font

3. Convert Krutidev to Unicode Font

4. Convert Unicode to Chanakya Font

5. Download Free 50 beautiful Unicode Hindi font

6. Hindi Unicode Font not Displaying in Notepad / MS-Word ?