Download 50 Beautiful Unicode Hindi Fonts
Unicode stands for Universal character Encoding, A Unicode font is a computer font that maps glyphs to code points defined in the Unicode Standard. The Unicode standard assign a unique number for every character of language that is independent from platform, device, application. So you can use Unicode font anywhere they will always accessible. Example of Hindi Unicode font is - Mangal font, Akshar, Aparajita etc.
There are many Unicode Hindi fonts are available for free download. Here we are giving 50 most popular and beautiful Hindi Unicode fonts. You can see how they looks and download from link given below:

How to type in Hindi with Unicode font ?
If you have installed Hindi Unicode font and try to type, you will see English characters instead of Hindi characters ? Yes It's happen because you need to install a specialized software also for type in Hindi with Unicode fonts. You can download free Hindi Typing software from Here.
Installation of Unicode Hindi font in Windows?
Installation process of Unicode Hindi font in windows based operating system is quite simple, just download font from above link and double click on font file, A window will open with a install button, Just click on install button, font will be installed in system within a second.
How to check Which font installed on system ?
Check for which font is installed in windows operating system is very easy, just open control panel and then click on fonts folder, you will find the complete list of installed fonts in your system. If you want to add a new font, just pate the font file in fonts folder and it's done.
Why Should use Hindi Unicode font ?
Unicode Hindi fonts have many advantage over legacy Hindi fonts.
1. Unicode based fonts are supported on web, Means content write using Unicode Hindi font will display on any website, that is not possible with ANSI fonts.
2. There are lot's of options and keyboard layouts are available for typing in Hindi Unicode font. Even you not need to practice any keyboard, Just Type in English and get in Hindi.
3. Voice Typing - Type by speak in Hindi is also possible and it's gives output in Unicode fonts.
4. Typing Test - Unicode based font are used in Many typing test exams in India like - SSC, CPCT etc.
5. Hindi support in Applications - Almost all application supports Hindi Unicode fonts.